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Destressing Life’s Woes! by Suzy Drapkin

07 Nov Posted by in Blog Posts | Comments Off on Destressing Life’s Woes! by Suzy Drapkin

I don’t know about you, but I am feeling a bit frazzled!  So, I’m all in for trying anything that quiets down the endless thoughts and anxieties that are part of the national obsession in dealing with this atypical election year, witnessing constant acts of conflict in our world, and dealing with the more routine parts of life like kids, money, jobs, family, etc. I believe that Mind Over Matter can make a difference in our outlooks, our confidence, and our success in handling our lives.

This month’s newsletter is featuring links to articles about mindfulness, meditation, confidence builders, visualization techniques, and retraining the brain exercises; all that have been documented to help us better navigate our lives.

Below is some information about these strategies and why using them for you, your clients, customers, family members, and almost anyone else can be beneficial.

A lot has been said and written about Mindfulness and Meditation And, there has been confusion about the two.  From what I understand it seems that mindfulness is one of the practices that have grown out of the “large umbrella term that encompasses the practice of reaching ultimate consciousness and concentration, to acknowledge the mind and, in a way, self-regulate it. It can involve a lot of techniques or practices to reach this heightened level of consciousness — including compassion, love, patience, and of course, mindfulness. So mindfulness is a type of meditation, alongside tantra, yoga, sexuality, silence, breathing, and emptiness.”

I’ve been trying Mindfulness these last few months.  I find it calmative if nothing else as it unleashes our brains to be aware of what we are seeing and experiencing in the present and perhaps put things in a new perspective.  I’ve practiced Meditation too, but I have more difficulty with this as I am unable to stay in a meditative state more than 15 minutes.  I understand that with steady practice I should be able to advance.

I’m actually using a form of Pain Meditation as a pain management alternative and with more success to deal with the sciatica I’ve been experiencing these last few months.  Anyone who has had sciatica pain knows that at some point you will try anything to get relief. While I haven’t reached the ultimate stage of controlling the pain, it does relax me greatly.

Brain Plasticity or Neuroplasticity, or as more commonly referred as Retraining the brain are often an integral part of cognitive behavioral counseling which I have used them more than once with good results.  Using Confidence Builders and Brain Exercises provide a focal point in which people with cognitive distortion involving negative thinking or emotions can rehearse and/or learn to reframe their thoughts in how they see themselves, their past history, and the world at large can have an incredible impact on their behavior if they are consistent in practicing the exercises.

The same can be said for using Visualization Techniques.  As a Certified Job Loss Recovery Coach, I use a visualization system that includes rehearsal exercises for clients to lessen and hopefully rid themselves of the denial, fear, anxiety, anger, bargaining, and depression stages that are part of the job loss grief process; leading them to acceptance and closure of their situation.  These are the same applications that many Olympic athletes use in readying themselves for the intense competition they face.  Visualization techniques can be easily learned for dealing with different areas in one’s life.

Regardless of how you feel about this election season and upcoming outcome, this might be a good time to try one of these techniques.  They can boost self-esteem, ease tensions, influence future outlook, and result in a sharper and more adaptable mind.

Oh yeah!  If all else fails, how about a nice bubble bath, a cup of hot tea, or a stiff drink?

Good luck!